Sunday, March 27, 2011

"Not Yet"

Sometimes I ask the question, “My Lord, is this your will?” It’s then I hear you answer me,
“My Precious Child… be still.”
Sometimes I feel frustrated, cause I think I know what’s best. It’s then I hear you say to me, 
“My Busy Child… just rest”
Sometimes I feel so lonely and I think I’d like a mate. Your still small voice gets oh so clear and says, 
“My Child… please wait”
“I know the plans I have for you, the wondrous things you’ll see; If you can just be patient, Child, 
and put your trust in me.
I’ve plans to draw you closer. I’ve plans to help you grow. There’s much I do you cannot see and much 
you do not know.
But know this, Child ….. I LOVE YOU. You are Precious unto Me. Before I formed you in the womb, 
planned your destiny.
I’ve something very special I hope for you to learn. The gifts I wish to give to you are gifts you cannot 
They come without a price tag, but not without a cost; I gave My Son, so You would 
not be lost.
Rest Child, and do not weary of doing what is good. I promise I’ll come back for you just like I said 
I would.
Your name is written on my palm, I never could forget; Therefore, do not be discouraged when my answer is… “Not Yet”

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Under pressure?

Ever felt that life is like one big pressure cooker?  Pressure from everywhere, building up until you feel suffocated by a massive heap of stress?  Difficulty getting on with parents? Pressure!  Brothers or sisters getting on your nerves? Pressure! Worrying about your grandparents’ health? Pressure! School too demanding? Pressure!  Boy/girlfriend jealous and possessive? Pressure!  Friends falling out? Pressure! It’s all too much!
Jesus says: ‘Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me.’ By the way, Jesus isn’t talking about eggs here. A yoke is a wooden beam used between a pair of oxen to allow them to work together to do the same job, ploughing a field. Jesus is saying: ‘Learn from Me’. Watch how I deal with people, see how I am in My relationships and learn to do the same. Let Me guide you through life, because My way is stress-free, My way takes off the pressure and piles on love.
Jesus knows how to handle everything - all that’s difficult, harmful, tough, hurtful, bewildering, overwhelming, awful and painful. So don’t collapse under a stress heap because of all the pressure. Hand your pressure over to Jesus and allow Him to take you through life stress-free. Learn a different way, an easier way to live, the best way to live - with Jesus.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

God is Greater than Tsunami

Perhaps it’s hard to stick with God these days - I mean, look at the natural disasters, the trials that we all have to face.
But I believe this is all a part of God’s divine plan.
Maybe we’re getting too scientific.
Or even yelling out “2012 is coming!”
And we wonder where our God is amongst these devastating situations.
He is here. Right among us. He is here in our hearts, wiping our tears away. He is here with us giving us courage to persist. He has been here all along.
Let’s make a change in ourselves.
Have more faith in Him for He is good. Today, let’s be more like Daniel. Daniel kept praying and continued to praise God even in time of trials. (Daniel 6)
It’s true that he didn’t know what God was planning.
We don’t know either.
But by faith, by trusting Him, trusting His plans.
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” - Romans 8:28.
God never fails to listen to our prayers. Wherever we are or any time of the day. What the world needs now are prayers. So, let’s pray for our brothers and sisters all over the world.

Where is God now?

He is standing right there in the rubble suffering with those who suffer, and weeping with those weep and binding up the hearts of the broken hearted. God is there in the strength of that torn nation’s strong, resilient people. God is there in the presence and efforts of every soldier, aid worker, and other participant working to cope with the initial stages of recovery in this disaster. God is there in the funds donated to aid organizations to individuals around the world. God is there in the prayers and concerns of those individual and others.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
 2 Chronicles 7:14

Friday, March 4, 2011

Learning to Accept our Limits

Ever feel overloaded and overwhelmed? As well as the normal 9-5, there’s study, a job, church commitments. Plus your family want some of your time and–oh yeah, what about that friend who really wants some advice from you this week? It’s all too much!

Maybe like me you fall back on that promise: ‘I can do everything through him who gives me strength’ (Philippians 4:13 NIV). But God doesn’t promise we can do everything we want to do, or everything people expect us to do, or even the things other people manage to do. God only gives us grace to do what He calls us to do.

Author Parker Palmer writes: ‘I was raised in a culture that insisted I could do anything; that I was without limits, given enough energy and commitment on my part and all I had to do was get with the programme. My troubles began when I started to slam into my limitations…in the form of failure.’

Few things humble us like failure. As with today’s reading God will let us circle the same mountain over and over until the scenery becomes so familiar that we’re forced to stop and ask for direction; especially when we know in our heart that we’re not where God wants us to be.

What’s your most painful limitation? The one you won’t admit? The one you don’t want anybody to see? Acknowledge it. Seek honest feedback. Ask for God’s help in accepting the limits He’s placed on you; for your own protection.


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