Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Underdog

Feeling like an underdog?
People putting you down?
Don’t worry, for God has plans for even those who does not seem to be the “strongest”.
For God does not judge and pick and choose the strongest out of the bunch. But He looks towards your heart and see if you long for Him.
When He sees that, He will use you for His glory.
Like King David, he was underestimated by his own father. Underestimated by Israel.
But by God’s grace, He was appointed as King.
He won the battle against Goliath.
David didn’t have any military background, nor was he a big man that could have defeated Goliath. But it was due to his intimate relationship with God that he was used by God in amazing ways.
God looks towards your character, not skill.
So when we feel like we are not worthy enough to be something, because we are lacking in experience, don’t worry.
For God will plant the skills in you, and work through you.


  1. inspiring! :) may kilala ako na binu-bully at inuutusutusan na lang lagi dati. ngayon siya na ang nang-bubully. hehe. :)

  2. Amen. If we let ourselves be under by God, we'll never be underdogs...

  3. Amen. Di naman tinitignan kung sino malakas at sino mahina. gumawa ng tama, yan ang dapat. :)

  4. inspiring...^_^

    God never look who you are today he look who you are in the future


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